Diamond Fire Glass provides exceptional quality fireball spheres, which are the ideal option to alter the appearance of your fireplace. Their products are featured in some of the most elegant homes, restaurants, and resorts in the world Fireplaces have evolved from domestic to functional usage or to enhance the visual point. Diamond Fire Glass provides fireball spheres that not only improve the look of your fireplace's main attraction to any indoor living space. They offer exclusive fireball spheres of different sizes to your fireplaces for creating a delightful, comfortable, yet warm ambiance of any room. Diamond Fire Glass provides you the best tricks to enhance the appearance of your fireplace without a total overhauling the fireplace. These small but convenient round-shaped accessories effectively hide the fireplace burner and can be arranged in style to give a unique look to your fireplace. Their Fireball spheres come in a variety of shapes, colors, and sizes to add ...